Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Key Key!!!

Ok. So I know this is getting random.

Forgive me, I'm still trying to figure out how I really want to do this whole thing.

Anyhow, here's the kitty that inspired the fluffies from yesterday. I forgot that I still have a picture of her on my laptop :)

I pinky swear -- the next post will be something a bit more interesting.

Furry Excuses

Did I tell you my cat died?

Yeah, I know. I didn't. It was a sad, sad day though. She was 14 years old and I'd had her for exactly half of my life.

So. It's 1:30 in the morning and I forgot to post any pictures today (surprise, surprise!). While there are many factors involved in this negligence, there is ultimately only one real explanation: I'm still not done editing. Anything. Ughsh.

Lucky for all of us, I've a couple of shots from last spring to revisit!

Here they are - some furry animals from a trip to the zoo, inspired at this late hour by my kitty (who I miss).

Monday, September 27, 2010


So. I've been seriously negligent.

No excuses beyond the usual whirlwind.

The second half of the summer was every bit as crazy as the first half. I've got a few hundred pictures as proof -- and I'll be making a point of posting a few of them in the coming days.

Oh, oh, oh! I should mention, cool stuff on the horizon :) Will be keeping everyone posted.

Meanwhile, today's posts are a couple highlights of a recent trip up to San Jose for my cousin Lorena's wedding. The above is a close up detail of one of the beautiful mats that were used as decoration for the ceremony. Below is a picture of my auntie Anna (right) and her sister. I love this photo, if only because apparently I've become my auntie's personal photographer - and that amuses the crud out of me.

And just a taste of what's to come: